Sharing Our Employee-Centric Management Approach

WTTA: Bloom TV Segment
August 4, 2022
On Demand Video: Panel Discussion | How to Make Well-Being a Strategic Imperative
June 22, 2022
Watch the video from the Inspire Work Summit New York 2022 panel discussion where Dr. Jack Wiley, author of The Employee-Centric Manager discusses how to make well-being a strategic imperative.

Are Your Managers Up to the Current Challenges?
April 21, 2022
Dr. Jack Wiley, author of The Employee-Centric Manager shares eight attributes employees want in a boss. CEOs always have a lot on their minds, but what likely tops their current list of concerns is the ability to attract and retain the talent needed for their organizations to succeed.

The Employee Centric Manager 8 Keys To People Management Effectiveness
March 17, 2022
In The Employee-Centric Handbook: 8 Keys to People-Management Effectiveness, Dr. Jack Wiley distills years of experience and success in this field into a brilliant life resource book. This book is as beneficial for the mom-and-pop business as it is for a Fortune 500 CEO, as well as those who want to effectively manage volunteer and nonprofit teams.

5 Essentials of People Management
December 30, 2021
Employees of managers who routinely practice these behaviors report a better work experience and enhanced engagement and perform at higher levels: Show support and understanding, provide recognition, treat others with dignity and respect, communicate clear expectations, and reward performance contributions.

Managers Face Pressure to Adapt in 2022 Workplace
December 11, 2021
For the companies that have kept employees home since March 2020, the start of the new year will bring some big changes with the return to work. Organizational psychologist Dr. Jack Wiley said the pressure is on to meet the new needs of employees who lived through a pandemic...

The Impact of Employee-Centric Management
November 24, 2021
Today we are going to be talking about the impact of employee-centric management. I’m excited to be joined today by Dr. Jack Wiley, who is recognized internationally for pioneering research linking employee work attitudes to measures of organizational success. Most recently, Dr. Wiley was a professor of psychology at Manchester University, where he founded the…

The Employee Centric Manager With Dr. Jack Wiley
November 24, 2021
Dr. Jack Wiley, the President and CEO of Jack Wiley Consulting, LLC, Employee Centricity LLC, and an author of his latest release (2021), “The Employee Centric Manager: 8 Keys to People Management Effectiveness,” that is described as the definitive handbook for managing people in the modern workforce joins Enterprise Radio.

First Coast Connect With Melissa Ross
November 18, 2021
Four million workers left their jobs in April 2021, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Additionally, one in four workers plans to look for a new job after the pandemic, according to a Prudential study. We talked with Dr. Jack Wiley, who describes how “the big quit” is largely due to poor management.

Bright Side Podcast: Jack Wiley
11/15/2021 (1/2 Way In)
November 15, 2021
Ben Fuchs is Pharmacist Ben. These are Ben's blog posts and news articles about health and nutrition. Ben is a Nutritional Pharmacist from Colorado, founder of Truth Treatments Skin Care products, Youngevity representative, board member, and host (Bright Side Ben) of The Bright Side syndicated radio program.

The Future of Remote Work and How to Manage People Effectively
November 3, 2021
How to manage people effectively? How do we get the best from our workers that are working from home? Dr. Jack Wiley responds, "the most common model that will be used is the hybrid model. You will have some people that will be working in the office and others working remotely. What I found is, remote workers need more."

CRN Digital Talk Radio “Bill Martinez Live”
October 29, 2021
11:06-11:29a ET – Dr. Jack Wiley – The award-winning organizational psychologist, CEO, and author of “The Employee-Centric Manager” said the late General Colin Powell exuded the leadership attributes followers most want in their top leaders. Listen as he explains...

The Self-Employed Life Show With Guest Dr. Jack Wiley
October 26, 2021
As they say, people don't leave their job, they leave their managers. According to my guest, Dr. Jack Wiley, "The Big Quit" is largely due to an epidemic of poor management. We're going to discuss the challenges you might be facing with poor management, what to consider when leaving your job...

What Are Regional Differences in Performance Management?
October 22, 2021
Employee and team performance speaks for itself: Did the team achieve its goals? Are employee objectives being met? Is the expected progress being made? But when it comes to managing a team to hit those benchmarks — well, there’s a lot more gray area. And while there are many theories about the...

WSOU: Thank God For Monday: Jack Wiley Podcast
October 21, 2021
Dr. Jack Wiley, the President and CEO of Jack Wiley Consulting, LLC, Employee Centricity LLC, and an author of his latest release (2021), “The Employee Centric Manager: 8 Keys to People Management Effectiveness,” is described as the definitive handbook for managing people in the modern workforce...
Prepare For The Big Quit with Jack Wiley and Ed Fulbright on Mastering Your Money Radio
October 19, 2021
The labor shortage is getting even worse for many small businesses, and the Covid-19 Delta variant is only adding to their troubles. Two-thirds of business owners reported having a “very difficult” time finding the right employees to fill open roles, up from 59% in August and from 50% in July…

The Great Resignation and the Employee-Manager Disconnect
October 19, 2021
With 55 percent of people in the workforce reporting their intent to find a new job within a year, according to an August survey, there’s no doubt that we are in the middle of the Great Resignation. Poor management is one of the causes. There are several aspects of the...

Three Quick Book Reviews (or What I Want Santa To Bring Me)
October 05, 2021
This book is very timely as businesses are undergoing the Mass Resignation right now. CHROs and operations leaders are struggling with retaining the people they already have and finding net-new people to fill the ever-growing shortages occurring now. I agree with Dr. Wiley that managers are either...

How to Become an A+ Manager Today
September 27, 2021
Over the past two decades, the practice of gathering employee feedback on the performance of their managers has grown. And why not? Subordinates have the most knowledge about their manager’s performance, and they are the ones most affected by their behavior. Leading organizational scientists argue...

Preparing for the Future Of Work: Dr. Jack Wiley
September 18, 2021
Virtual teams are those comprised of members who are often geographically dispersed, interact electronically, and in many cases never meet face-to-face. The pandemic has given rise to more and more virtual teams. A major challenge with this arrangement is creating a sense of belongingness and...

Employee Centricity: “Helping Virtual Teams Be More Effective”
September 16, 2021
Virtual teams are those comprised of members who are often geographically dispersed, interact electronically, and in many cases never meet face-to-face. The pandemic has given rise to more and more virtual teams. A major challenge with this arrangement is creating a sense of belongingness and...

HR’s Top Challenges in Retail — and How to Solve Them
September 10, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic upended every industry, but the retail sector might be among those hit the hardest. Many storefronts scaled back operations to comply with local safety measures, addressed erratic supply chain issues, and met the shifting shopping habits of customers who more often clicked ‘Buy’ on e-commerce sites.